Monthly Sales Information

We report the monthly sales growth rate.
Older reports for past years are also available.

February 2025 (Current term/YoY change %)
Existing store All stores
Amount of sales Number of customers Amount of sales Number of customers
March 110.8 103.2 110.2 102.5
April 101.1 98.3 100.6 97.9
May 102.8 100.4 102.3 100.4
June 108.9 103.2 108.4 103.0
July 102.5 99.2 102.1 99.0
August 112.3 105.6 111.5 104.8
Cumulative first half 106.3 101.8 105.7 101.4
September 104.9 101.8 104.5 101.6
Cumulative second half 104.9 101.8 104.5 101.6
Full year cumulative 106.1 101.8 105.6 101.4
As of the end of September 2024, the number of stores is 56.
(Note 1) This data is for the purpose of providing prompt information and is based on preliminary figures.
(Note 2) Existing stores refer to stores that have been in operation throughout the year from the beginning of the previous fiscal year to the end of the previous fiscal year. Stores that were closed during the month or temporarily closed are also included in existing stores.
(Note 3) The above sales figures include sales on the Internet.

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